#MANG2049 Topic 1’s Reflective Summary

From just reading several blog posts written by my classmates, I’ve gained a good number of varied insights into Topic 1! We were asked to explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” after studying provided materials and conducting our own research. After which we leave comments on 2 blog posts we feel engaged us the most and prompted questions.

My classmate Stephanie wrote a simple analogy using cars. Considering we were birthed much later from when cars were first introduced compared to our parents, would that make us less competent in learning how to drive a car? Definitely not. Just as with the use of the internet, we might have been what was initially branded as digital “natives” because we were born in the time where technology improvement skyrocketed, but it does not make us any more skilled to learn our way around the digital world than with an older generation. There are choices that the younger generation decide for themselves as well that implicate the notion whether they’d be more tech-savvy such as if they even want to learn more about the digital world.

A big learning point for me throughout Topic 1 is that what stems our motivation eventually courses the path to whether we become just “visitors” (White, 2011) to more avid users of the internet or ultimately “residents” of the digital world.

I’ve also learnt that it would be a much more enjoyable read if my post included a form of media that could change the view for readers for a while, which is what most of my classmates actually did and it worked for me; I found some of the memes especially funny. Even though Topic 1 isn’t graded, it’s admirable that everyone has put in great effort into ensuring they’ve put forth their best work! I’m deeply encouraged and hope the rest of the topics inspire a lot more thinking!

Stephanie’s Post: https://stephanielymblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/30/topic-1-digital-nativesvisitors-and-digital-immigrantsresidents/

Also commented on Jun Ning’s post: https://yjunning.wordpress.com/2015/10/30/topic-1-digital-visitors-and-digital-residents/


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